If you're running fundraising campaigns, you know that getting supporters to complete their fundraising page setup is crucial. But with different platforms having different requirements, how do you ensure supporters take those final, critical steps?
We've launched platform-specific success messages to solve this exact challenge. Now, nonprofit fundraising teams can create tailored guidance for supporters across different platforms, increasing the number of completed fundraising pages and active fundraisers for your campaigns.
One of the biggest challenges in digital fundraising is the drop-off between registration, page creation and activation. This is particularly evident on platforms like JustGiving, where supporters need to take additional steps to claim their pages.
By providing clearer, platform-specific instructions at the moment of sign up, we can help more supporters complete their fundraising journey. This means more active fundraisers and ultimately more funds raised for your cause.
We've reorganized the fundraiser creator with clear section headings:
Under "Success Message," you'll find tabs for each platform where you can customize your confirmation messages.
We've created optimized default messages based on fundraising best practices:
For JustGiving:
Thanks for signing up for [Campaign Name], just one more thing 👇
To start fundraising, simply log in to JustGiving and connect your fundraising page to your JustGiving account.
Once that is done you will be able to post updates, share with friends and family and start receiving donations.
For Facebook:
Thanks for signing up for [Campaign Name] ❤
Your fundraising page has been created! You are now able to post updates, share with friends and family and start receiving donations.
Why not get things started by making a self-donation to your own fundraiser?
This simple enhancement will help to deliver meaningful results: