Tips, expert advice and best practice to unlock the power of Facebook Fundraising for your organization.
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Resources, expert advice and best practice to unlock the power of social fundraising for your nonprofit.
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Ever wonder why some social fundraising campaigns achieve high impact and others just fizzle out? The secret lies in the tools you use to make fundraising simple, effective, and scalable, without over...
If you're running fundraising campaigns, you know that getting supporters to complete their fundraising page setup is crucial. But with different platforms having different requirements, how do you en...
When it comes to activating and stewarding supporters for virtual fundraising events such as Facebook Challenges, the humble telephone has more often than not been overshadowed by digital communicatio...
Every day we say “thank you”. We thank the Starbucks barista, the stranger in front of us that holds the door open, the friend that calls us on a bad day. But many of us are guilty of not thanking som...
Carla Ankiah, Head of Fundraising, Partnerships and Supporter Relations at Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland, shares with us her personal experiences of shifting the focus from treating donors and fundra...
We like to say that there are two different types of donors: those who donate directly to the nonprofit via the Donate button (we call these “direct” donors) and those who sponsor a friend via a fundr...
Earlier in the year, I presented on how to leverage the power of Facebook’s Giving Tools for Fundraising Online, a global virtual conference run by the Resource Alliance. In this post, I share the fiv...
We have a whole bunch of blogs on how to recruit more fundraisers as well as best practices for thanking them. What we haven’t shared yet, up until now, is how you can raise more valuable income from ...